The Vegetarian Vampire is a story about an adorable bat family that had to escape their home due to a fire. The closest community they could move to was a Vampire Bat community. What no one knows was that they were Fruit Bats!

Fang has one more problem. He can't resist a farmer's delicious tomatoes, but no one eats Farmer Red's tomatoes without his permission.

How long will they be able to hide before someone figures then out?

Book Order Information

Now available for soft cover book order or ebook order at:

Look up by title: The Vegetarian Vampire or by author: Kimberly Woodruff


Book Images

Fang & his mom

Fang's first day of school

Fang Sneaks in to taste tomatoes

Farmer Red & his dog Buddy confused what happened?

Fang ate too many tomatoes & makes a new friend

Fang gets caught

Farmer Red's farmer market event

Farmer Red & Fang make a deal

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Items can be found on the following links. Several Items available with adorable tag lines.

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